Google I/O 2011申し込みサイトが残念だった件

本日公開され、あっという間に繋がらなくなった。何が悲しいって、申し込みページのURLが .cfm で終わっていた、ということ。これってCold Fusionかなんかで作った、ってことでしょ? Google App Engineかなんかでやってほしかったじゃないですか。

$ dig

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;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

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なんのことはない。Amazon EC2の上でCold Fusionサーバ立てて、そいつが果てただけだった、と。一応、ELBかましているみたいだけどね。


住宅ローン金利が上昇してきたせいか、値下げ物件が続々と増えている...一部地域では。特にサウスベイは下げがきつく、待った甲斐があったかも。一方で、サンフランシスコ市内やPalo Altoなどは高値安定。やっぱ地域差ってのはでかいのね。


  • 2004年4月...$395,000
  • 2007年2月...$558,000
  • 2010年10月...$399,736→Foreclosureによる競売
  • 2011年1月...$219,900で売り出し


Maylong M-150という神機種

Android Tabletは大きく分けて二種類ある。携帯網経由で接続できてAndroid Marketにすんなりつながるやつと、そうじゃないやつ。前者は比較的高価。後者は妙に安い。そして、こんな代物もある...

Ars Technica: Worst gadget ever? Ars reviews a $99 Android tablet



It has a resistive touchscreen instead of a capacitive one like the iPad or Galaxy Tab, a 400MHz (or 533, depending on whom you ask) processor, 256MB of RAM and 2GB of built-in storage.


Because it's made out of plastic, the M-150 is lighter than you would expect for its size, making it feel cheap. If you press hard enough with just one hand, you can make the entire thing flex—yes, including the screen. Don't sit on it. It's also surprisingly thick—Maylong's website claims it's 0.3" thick, but our measurements put it at just a hair under 0.75" thick.

→全部がプラスチックなので、全体的にふにゃふにゃしている。強く押すと凹む。画面ももちろん、凹む... 公表値では厚さ0.3"だが、実測では0.75"もある。

The manual that comes with the M-150 (yes, we read the whole thing) recommends using the free-floating stylus for a better touchscreen experience. We'll refrain from commenting on the absurdity of that recommendation, but it's particularly frustrating because there's nowhere to store the stylus on the device. We'd be surprised if anyone managed to not lose it after a week.


The screen is significantly less sensitive than the capacitive screens on other tablets (some claim that resistive screens should be better, but this one is most certainly not), and you have to mash your finger into the screen to get it to take any input. And good luck with the stylus that came with the tablet, too


Of course, it's hard to know whether it's taking your input no matter what you do. The lag is slow and inconsistent, forcing you to always wonder if you need to hit something again or whether the M-150 is just trying to figure out if you hit S, A, or D

→しかも反応が遅く一貫性に欠けるので、入力が受け付けられたのか、それともM-150がS, A, Dのどれか考えているのか、なかなかわからない。

Speaking of the App Market, it's a slimmed-down version of the regular Android Market, though we must say that we never did get any apps to work properly, largely because they wouldn't connect to the Internet.

Android Marketにはつながらないが、そのショボいバージョンであるApp Marketというのにはつながる。ただし、どんなアプリケーションが動くのかは確認出来ていない。そもそもM-150がインターネットにつながらないのだ...

However, no matter how many times I was able to confirm that WiFi was working in the browser, the Kindle app kept kicking me back to say that WiFi was not working. The same goes for other apps as well; there was simply no way to get them to use the WiFi, despite the fact that the WiFi was on.


In fact, even the M-150's built-in apps have trouble functioning correctly much of the time. The built-in e-mail application had the same problem as the Kindle app—no WiFi, despite the WiFi working elsewhere.


And the camera application, for instance, makes use of the built-in camera and slaps a number of ugly frames on top. There is, however, such a significant lag that it's difficult to frame yourself to begin with, and when you tap the "Share" button in hopes of sending it to someone, or perhaps posting it online, an error pops up saying, "No applications can perform this action." None whatsoever? Okay, then.


There's one thing that the M-150 does well: take screenshots.


If you charge it before leaving for the airport, there's a pretty good likelihood that the M-150 will be dead by the time you get on the plane.


We "used" the device as best we could for as long as possible, and the battery usually only gave us an hour or less before dying out.





  • $100...ドブに捨てる覚悟
  • $200...まあ使えるし、次世代機が出てきても諦められる価格帯
  • $400...非キャリア系だと、このあたりが上限価格帯か。3G SIMが入りAndroid Marketにもつながる機種も多い。

Streak 7やLG G-Slateなどキャリア系(=高い)がぼちぼち市場にでてきたが、これらがコケて安売りにつながれば、ローエンド機も再び価格下落スパイラルに陥る可能性も残っている。


Everything seems ok except some of the web pages will only half way load
