
自分が所属するTeam Oaklandの兄貴分チームであるHealthNetの監督からのお知らせ。日時は未定だけど、OaklandのSpeakeasy Theaterでランディスと地元自転車乗りの対談会が開催されるらしい。仕事で日本に行ってない限り、参加してみたい。

I spoke with Floyd Landis' spokesman last week and he indicated that Floyd is looking to do a town hall meeting in the Bay area like the one he did in Arlington, VA a couple weeks ago. He asked for suggestions on venues. I threw out the Parkway Speakeasy, as it is a theater with an informal atmosphere appropriate for such an event. He is looking for places that would accommodate perhaps 300 people. The event is intended as a fund raiser for his legal defense against doping allegations. If you have any suggestions on other venues, please let me know.

While I can't advocate one way or another on Floyd's testosterone results, I'm willing to help out in some way because I think the way Floyd's case (and Floyd for that matter) was treated by the lab, UCI, WADA and the press has been patently unfair, biased and, well, un-American (no due process). Yes, I know, we're talking about mostly French folks here, at least with respect to the lab, ASO and some of UCI. But as head of WADA, for Dick Pound to be making some of the statements he's made to the press about the case is irresponsible at best.

Win or lose, I'm hoping Floyd's case challenges some of that process. And besides, I like the guy. He's extremely approachable, and seriously, would Lance be holding town hall meetings if he was in a similar situation?

Anyway, I'm off the soapbox. If you have suggestions, let me know. If you have an inclination to help with the event, let me know that, too. I'll pass that information along. I suspect as a club we can't help out officially. But if members want to, I think they should be free to. Thanks.