



に突っこんでしまうけど、それは無理というもの。なぜならレーススポンサーにはAdobeがいたから。そのAdobeが何年か前に買収したMacromediaFlashを使って、今回のTour of Californiaの動画を配信しようとしていたわけなんだけど...



Get a BETA sneak peek of Akamai’s new Live Flash streaming product in action featuring the high quality VP6 video codec from On2 Technologies. As a lead sponsor of The AMGEN Tour of California professional bicycle stage race - an eight-day, 700-mile race on a route that includes the California redwoods, wine country and the Pacific Coast - Adobe set out to push the envelope with it’s online coverage by creating a rich, interactive tour tracking application overlaid on a live Flash video feed.

This live beta event represents the first massive example of Akamai Live Flash Streaming utilizing the VP6 codec, running on top of Akamai’s improved Flash network. So far, the eight-day streaming event has reached nearly 4 Gpbs and 7,000 concurrent users and is expected to increase significantly as the race enters the final stages.

背後で動いているCDNは、実はベータ版だった、ということになる。「Live Beta Event」って表現は「ぶっつけ本番」と解釈することもできる...来年はもちっとこなれていることを祈る。