gentoo-sources-2.6.17 on SPARC64

Javaな開発環境を作るために、Sun Blade 1000上にGentooをインストールしようとしたら...ひさしぶりにハマってしまった。症状はQLogicのSCSIカーネルが認識しない、というもの。


This qla2xxx driver supports all QLogic Fibre Channel PCI and PCIe host adapters.
By default, firmware for the ISP parts will be loaded via the Firmware Loader interface.
ISP Firmware Filename
21xx ql2100_fw.bin
22xx ql2200_fw.bin
2300, 2312, 6312 ql2300_fw.bin
2322, 6322 ql2322_fw.bin
24xx ql2400_fw.bin

Upon request, the driver caches the firmware image until the driver is unloaded.
Firmware images can be retrieved from:

NOTE: The original method of building firmware-loader modules has been deprecated as the firmware-images will be removed from the kernel sources.




<*> QLogic QLA2XXX Fibre Channel Support
[*] Use firmware-loader modules (DEPRECATED)(New)
<*> Build QLogic ISP2100 firmware-module<*> Build QLogic ISP2200 firmware-module<*> Build QLogic ISP2300/ISP6312 firmware-module<*> Build QLogic ISP2322/ISP6322 firmware-module<*> Build QLogic ISP24xx firmware-module
