

Much of Landis' defence was based around raising questions about the LNDD lab and how the sample was analysed. During the trial several issues were highlighted and Thursday's ruling saw the USADA seeming to agree with at least some of these concerns. It decided not to use the positive testosterone:epitestosterone result because of the way things were done in the lab, but instead judged Landis guilty on the basis of the follow-up IRMS examination for synthetic testosterone.

  • Landis側はLNDDにおける検体の扱い不備を突いてきた
  • USADA側も、それらの不備の一部については同意
  • 裁定では、テストステロンのT/E比については、検体扱いに不備があったため採用しないことを決定
  • ただし、IRMS検査の結果を元にLandisの有罪が確定


McQuaid admits that some modifications should be made, but feels that the system still uncovered the truth. "There are possibly things that need to be changed," he stated. "You cam always get an element of human error where there are humans involved, but the fact is that they had enough evidence there to prove that he was positive. That is the most important thing."

  • UCIのMcQuaid会長も、検査手順に関するなんらかの改善が必要なことには同意
  • 「人間が操作する以上、誤りは排除できない。だが、Landisがドーピングしていたことに関しては十分な証拠が得られた。」
