Across the Curve: Sunday Night Stream of Consciousness on the Bailout



The taxpayers are assuming a massive set of liabilities and assets with no clear path to the ultimate outcome.


If the agencies do need to tap the discount window, it will require the Federal Reserve to sterilize those actions with sales of treasury coupon securities. The Federal Reserve has already lent out a significant portion of its balance sheet in an earlier iteration of this crisis. To the extent that they need to supply significant liquidity to FNMA and Freddie that might engender another set of problems.

  • Fannie/FreddieがFedのWindowを通して資金調達する場合、Fedは相応分の国債を市場放出する必要がある
  • でもFedの台所は既に火の車
  • そんな状態でFannie/Freddieに流動性を与えようとするのなら、それは他の問題を引き起こす可能性がある
