
  • これが一番ふるい?
  • The Disaster Agency. (FEMA)
  • 2003年5月27日の記事。
  • そしてこの記事は1984年に発表されたコラム記事を引用しているので、「FEMAが政権を乗っ取る」という妄想(?)は結構昔から存在していることがわかる。

Most Americans had never even heard of this obscure government agency before syndicated columnist Jack Anderson reported in October 1984 that FEMA had prepared bizarre "standby legislation" that would, in the event of a national crisis, "suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, effectively eliminate private property, abolish free enterprise, and generally clamp Americans in a totalitarian vise." In any self-respecting banana republic, such a document might be called a blueprint for a coup d'état. FEMA called it "national security" planning.