
  • 上院での審議が続く米国医療制度改革
  • これはご破算になるのではないかな...

CNN: 3rd UPDATE: Cosmetic Surgery Tax Out, Tanning Tax In For Sen Health Bill

  • 上院での議論がなんか変な方向に進んでいる。
  • 医療制度改革の財源をどこに求めるか、という話なんだけど...

U.S. Senate Democrats boosted payroll taxes on wealthy Americans and proposed a new 10% tax on indoor tanning to help pay for late changes to a broad health-care reform bill.

But Senate leaders dropped from the bill a 5% tax on all elective cosmetic surgeries that had been in an earlier version. Allergan Inc. (AGN), along with Medicis Pharmaceutical Corp. (MRX), and other firms lobbied against that tax, arguing that it was unfair to working women.

The tanning bed tax was inserted in lieu of the cosmetic surgery levy, also known as the Bo-tax, according to a Democratic aide.

  • 民主党側の案は「高額所得者への増税」「ボトックス治療への5%課税」だったが...
  • 上院はボトックス治療課税案を外した。理由は「働く女性に不利」だと。まあ、裏ではAllergan(ボトックス製造業者)やMedicis Pharmaceuticalといった企業がロビイストを使いまくったわけだが。
  • 替わりに入ってきたのが「日焼けサロンへの10%課税」。
  • 当然、日焼けサロン業界も黙ってない。

"It is not surprising that one primarily cosmetic business is trying to throw another under the bus by transferring a tax from rich doctors and their wealthy customers to struggling small businesses," Overstreet said. "The irony is that ultraviolet light at least has proven health benefits where botox treatments have none."

  • 日焼けサロン業界は今回の動きを「(高額所得者の多い)整形医から、小規模事業者の多い日焼けサロン業界への増税押し付け」と反発。
  • そもそもボトックス治療は医療行為なのかどうか、というケチまでつけている。
