
アムステルダムからデトロイトに向かっていた飛行機の中でのテロ未遂事件を受けて、米国Homeland Securityは新しい対策を発表。Gizmodoに出ていた。


1. The aircraft operator or authorized air carrier representative must ensure all passengers are screened at the boarding gate during the boarding process using the following procedures. These procedures are in addition to the screening of all passengers at the screening checkpoint.
1. Perform thorough pat-down of all passengers at boarding gate prior to boarding, concentrating on upper legs and torso.
2. Physically inspect 100 percent of all passenger accessible property at the boarding gate prior to boarding, with focus on syringes being transported along with powders and/or liquids.
3. Ensure the liquids, aerosols, and gels restrictions are strictly adhered to in accordance with SD 1544-06-02E.
2. During the boarding process, the air carrier may exempt passengers who are Heads of State or Heads of Government from the measures outlined in Section I.A. of this SD, including the following who are traveling with the Head of State or Head of Government:

1. Spouse and children, or
2. One other individual (chosen by the Head of State or Head of Government)
3. For the purposes of Section I.B., the following definitions apply:
1. Head of State: An individual serving as the chief public representative of a monarchic or republican nation-state, federation, commonwealth, or any other political state (for example, King, Queen, and President).
2. Head of Government: The chief officer of the executive branch of a government presiding over a cabinet (for example, Prime Minister, Premier, President, and Monarch).


1. During flight, the aircraft operator must ensure that the following procedures are followed:
1. Passengers must remain in seats beginning 1 hour prior to arrival at destination.
2. Passenger access to carry-on baggage is prohibited beginning 1 hour prior to arrival at destination.
3. Disable aircraft-integrated passenger communications systems and services (phone, internet access services, live television programming, global positioning systems) prior to boarding and during all phases of flight.
4. While over U.S. airspace, flight crew may not make any announcement to passengers concerning flight path or position over cities or landmarks.
5. Passengers may not have any blankets, pillows, or personal belongings on the lap beginning 1 hour prior to arrival at destination.

  • テレビのニュースでは、「今どこを飛んでいるか、何時に目的地に着陸するかの説明をしなくなった」という報道があったが、どうやら本当らしい。
  • ただし、このような説明は禁止されているわけではない。
  • 着陸1時間前から、膝の上にはいかなるものも置いてはいけない。毛布もだめ。


  • 今回の容疑者はテロリスト名簿に載っていたらしいが、搭乗できている。
  • 一方で、David NelsonとかHolly Robertsとかいった自転車競技関係者達は、たまたまテロリストと同姓同名というだけで、いつも空港で無駄な時間を過ごす羽目になっているそうな。
  • なんだかなぁ...