
Bloomberg: California Teachers Pension Fund $42.6 Billion Short

The California State Teachers Retirement System, the second biggest U.S. public pension, will need to ask taxpayers for more money after investment losses left it underfunded by $42.6 billion.

  • カルフォルニア教職員退職年金基金(Calstrs)は運用失敗で426億ドルの資金不足に。
  • ざっと3兆8340億円...

In the Calstrs report, Ehnes says the fund would have to earn more than 20 percent, more than twice as much as it says is feasible, in each of the next five years to make up the gap without higher taxpayer subsidy.

  • 「この穴を税金補填なしで埋めるには、5年間続けて20%以上の運用益を出し続ける必要がある」と、Calstrsは報告している。
  • つまり、「税金で穴埋めろ」と言ってるね。
  • ざけんなっての。