Amazon SimpleDBのConsistency Readをbotoから使うには


  • botoはSVN版から持ってくる。
$ svn checkout boto-read-only
$ cd boto-read-only
$ sudo python install
  • select()にはconsistent_readを指定する引数がある。domain.pyより:
    def select(self, query='', next_token=None, consistent_read=False, max_items=None):
        Returns a set of Attributes for item names within domain_name that match the query.
        The query must be expressed in using the SELECT style syntax rather than the
        original SimpleDB query language.

        :type query: string
        :param query: The SimpleDB query to be performed.

        :rtype: iter
        :return: An iterator containing the results.  This is actually a generator
                 function that will iterate across all search results, not just the
                 first page.
  • get_item()にはconsistency_readを指定する引数がない。
    def get_item(self, item_name):
        item = self.get_attributes(item_name)
        if item:
            item.domain = self
            return item
            return None
  • なので、get_attributesを使うことになる。
    def get_attributes(self, item_name, attribute_name=None,
                       consistent_read=False, item=None):
        Retrieve attributes for a given item.

        :type item_name: string
        :param item_name: The name of the item whose attributes are being retrieved.

        :type attribute_names: string or list of strings
        :param attribute_names: An attribute name or list of attribute names.  This
                                parameter is optional.  If not supplied, all attributes
                                will be retrieved for the item.

        :rtype: :class:`boto.sdb.item.Item`
        :return: An Item mapping type containing the requested attribute name/values