
この4月にGoogleに招かれて「お前ら、今家を買ったら負け組だぞ」と説教したPatrick Killelea氏の寄稿 on Christian Science Monitor→Washington is making the housing crisis even worse


シリコンバレーのほとんどの地域は圧倒的に賃貸のほうが得なのだが、なぜ金融機関は「所有すれば損するに決まっている住宅購入に融資する」のだろうか? ここからがPatrickの独自世界観。だが、おもしろい。

Because it is profitable to get people into debt. Those profits result in political pressure to pass laws encouraging mortgage debt. For everyone above the buyer on the food chain – from seller to real estate agent to bank to Congress, the White House, and the Federal Reserve – there is a strong interest in getting young and inexperienced families deeply into debt. Once in debt, new buyers, too, become part of the game – they need to find new housing victims if they want to eventually sell at a profit.


Thus we have the mortgage interest deduction, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), and other harmful government programs, all of which serve primarily to increase the amount of mortgage debt. Since most people don't do math very well and will take on as much mortgage debt as they can, this government facilitation simply results in higher house prices.

→様々な「家を買いやすくする」政策が打たれた。住宅金利の税控除、連邦住宅抵当公庫(Fannie Mae)、連邦住宅金融局(FHFA)、連邦住宅局(FHA)等々。だが人々の多くは算数が苦手で月々の返済が限度いっぱいになるように借金するのが常だった。すなわち住宅価格は上昇を続けるだけだった。

Higher prices negate any benefit to the buyer – but they do benefit people higher up the food chain. Those profits at the expense of the buyer get funneled into campaign contributions that keep the system in place, or make it even more pernicious.


At some point, the cost of owning shot right past the cost of renting. Owners were losing money, month after month, on a real cash flow basis relative to renting. But they didn't care because they felt rich from the implied increase in their house's value. They could even refinance at the greater valuation implied by "comps" – appraisals or sale prices of similar properties nearby – and pull money out to cover their monthly shortfall.


That worked until it didn't, and America woke up with a dreadful hangover, still ongoing. What's worse is that many powerful financial interests are determined to make sure that we never sober up.


Older sellers depend on young families’ getting themselves into debt. Less debt for the young means lower selling prices for the old.


Real estate agents, after years of blathering about how house prices only go up, are finally faced with the incontrovertible reality that house prices also go down. Sales volumes also go down when prices are finally recognized as being too high. The lack of turnover and lower prices directly hurt their commissions.



  • 金融機関は住宅ローンを証券化して投資家たちに売りさばいたが、投資家達はその買戻しを要求している。
  • 金融機関を助けるため、Fed証券化されたローンを買い取っている。だがこれはドルの希釈=すべての人の富の収奪という形で、負担を押し付けているだけである。


  • 各種メディアは「住宅価格は高いほうが良い」という価値観の押し付けをやめるべきである。高すぎる住宅価格は買い手に取っては迷惑なだけだ。
  • オバマ大統領は住宅価格下落こそ、若い世代にとって利益であることを公言すべきだ。価格の安い家こそ「買いやすい」のであり、低金利ローンの提供は「買いやすいのではなく、罠」なのである。
  • FHA、Freddie/Fannieなどの機関は即時活動を停止させるべきである。緩やかに廃止するのではなく、即時。そして住宅価格を賃貸に比べて割安な基準まで早急に下げるべきである。
  • (比較的所得の低い)中西部州の住民に、カリフォルニア州の高額住宅ローンの保証をさせるような馬鹿げた政策もやめさせる。
  • Foreclosureになった家を銀行が放置したら、多額の罰金を貸すべきだ。Foreclosure物件が周辺の環境を悪化させるのではない。Foreclosureで空き家にしておくから周囲が荒れるのだ。買い手が現れる価格まで下げて、物件を早急にさばくべきである。たとえそれで銀行の収支が悪化してでも。
  • 住宅ローン金利減税もやめるべきだ。

Current owners usually misunderstand their own interests. If they ever want to upgrade, they will benefit more from the falling price on a bigger place than they lose from the falling price on their current place. Owners who want to upgrade should be firmly on the side of lower prices.
