
Stage-1ではゴール地Santa Rosaの周回路で大きなクラッシュがあり、残り10kmだったにも関わらず全員に同タイムが与えられるという「裁量措置」がとられた。これについてルールブックを読んでみたけれどロードレースの2.2.031項が根拠なのかな、と。

Race Incidents
In case of an accident or incident that could impinge upon the normal conduct of a race in general or a particular stage thereof, the Race Manager may, after obtaining the agreement of the Commissaires Panel and having informed the timekeepers, at any moment, decide:

  • to modify the course,
  • temporarily to neutralise the race or stage,
  • to consider a stage as not having been run,
  • to cancel part of a stage as well as the results of any possible intermediate classifications and to restart the stage near the place of the incident,
  • to let the results stand as are or
  • to restart the stage, taking account of the gaps recorded at the moment of the incident.


例のクラッシュでは影響を受けなかったのが40名。[*1] 半数以上がクラッシュ現場で立ち往生したことになる。主催者側の決定は覆せないけど、選手やチーム監督に聞いてみれば半数以上は納得するはずだ。Velonewsに掲載されている(救済措置がなかったらリーダージャージを着ていたはずの)Ben Jacques-Maynes選手のチームマネージャによるコメントが参考になる。

A lot of guys went down in that crash, and we could have just as easily been on the wrong side of that. As hard as it is to swallow, it's part of racing.

