Cash for Clunkersのリスクは販売店持ち

MSNBC: Why "Cash For Clunkers" Has To Stop .. Now!

At Stevens Creek Toyota in San Jose, we found neatly two hundred clunkers parked. That takes up a lot of space. Fords, Jeeps, even Land Rovers and Mercedes Benz represented here. All valued at less than $4,500, so the dealer will have to destroy them. All left behind by customers now rolling in new cars. The problem, according to General Manager Steve Cornelius, is that the dealership loses $4,500 per car, and they're waiting for the Government to pay them. It's a Catch-22: Fabulous sales for the first time in years, but nearly a million dollars in losses absorbed by the dealer, until Uncle Sam starts writing checks.

  • サンノゼにあるToyota系ディーラーには、引き取った「Clunker」が200台ほど並んでいるらしい。
  • それだけの数、新車が売れたのは良い話かもしれない。
  • が、政府は約束の$3500/$4500をまだ払ってない。
  • 平均$4000として、ディーラーは100万ドルの「未収」を抱えている事になる。