
Tesla’s Profit Claims Are Lies

  • 2月6日付The Truth About Cars記事。
  • テスラがSECに提出したIPO目論見書をざっと分析した記事。
  • テスラは2009年7月に単月で黒字化したと主張している。→TTAC 2009/8/8記事
  • だが、2009年9月末(3四半期分)は...
売上 $93,358M
売上原価 $85,604M
粗利 $7,754M
-- --
営業費用 $36,726M
営業損失 ▲$28,972M
  • これに利息支払等などがあって、経常収支は$31,498M (314億9800万ドル)の赤字。
  • ちなみに売上には、一台あたり$7,645のzero emission vehicle creditが含まれている。(Creditだから見込み収入のはずなんだけど、計上しちゃってもいいものなの?)
  • 営業費用の内訳は、$11,139Mの研究開発費+$25,587Mの販管費
  • つまり、国からのミルク補給があっても販管費すら賄えない状況。

  • その他目論見書から数カ所引用。

A large amount of our Tesla Roadster sales revenue in 2009 was due to the fulfillment of orders from reservations taken in prior years.


We have received only a limited number of current reservations for Tesla Roadsters and Model S sedans, all of which are subject to cancellation.

As of December 31, 2009, we had unfilled reservations for approximately 220 Tesla Roadsters and approximately 2,000 Model S sedans, all of which are subject to cancellation by the customer up until delivery of the vehicle. All of our reservations are refundable, subject to a cancellation fee and we have had a significant number of customers who submitted reservations for the Tesla Roadster or the Model S cancel those reservations.


If we are unable to design, develop, market and sell new electric vehicles and services that address additional market opportunities, our business, prospects and operating results will suffer.


Our production model for the non-powertrain portion of the Model S is unproven, still evolving and is very different from the non-powertrain portion of the production model for the Tesla Roadster.


