

  • BMCのThomas Frei選手(スイス)がEPO検査でしょっぴかれた。
  • CN記事によれば、本人はEPO使用を認め、B検査なしに出場停止処分を受け入れる模様。
  • BMCは同選手を解雇。
  • 注目したいのはFrei選手のこの証言。

Frei said that he had been doping since the summer of 2008, and that his inner circle was aware of it. “I am not a hardcore liar, I had to talk about it.” Frei rode for Astana in 2007 and 2008, before joining BMC in 2009.

He said that his positive test on March 21 happened almost by chance, revealing details of how athletes try to avoid being caught. The previous day he had given himself a micro-dosage of EPO for the first time in three months.

Frei claimed that if he had drank enough water after the injection, the urine test would not have shown the EPO. He didn't drink the required litre of water however, even when the controller arrived at six o'clock the next morning.

“I would otherwise now be preparing for the Giro d'Italia,” he noted.

  • Frei選手はAstana時代だった2008年夏からEPO摂取を開始。
  • 微量のEPOを注射し、充分な量の水を飲む。
  • これにより、尿検査ではEPOの検知を回避できる。
  • 3月の検査前には、充分な水を飲まなかったので検知された、ということらしい。
  • 「発覚していなかったら今頃はジロの準備をしていたはずだ」とFrei選手。
