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  • 5月1日のメーデー行進は、途中から暴動になってしまった。

San Jose Mercury: At least 18 Santa Cruz businesses suffered damage during May Day riot

  • 商店・飲食店が集まる中心街では、店舗や路上駐車への破壊行動が勃発。
  • ガラス割られたり、ペンキで落書きされたり。

Questions to police: I could not find the officer who could answer questions on tape but two officers told me that their response was delayed because SCPD had “5 officers on call at night” and had to get backup from CHP and neighboring PDs before stopping such a large group. I asked if the number of cops on-call was lower than normal tonight and one officer responded “no, it is normal”.


  • 暴動の様子をとらえた動画
