
Bloomberg: 3月米個人消費:0.6%増−貯蓄率は08年9月来最低


  • 個人所得微増。
  • 景気回復本格化か!?

Marketwatch: Consumer spending above pre-recession level

Boosted by spending on autos and other durable goods, real U.S. consumer spending increased 0.5% to a record high in March, at last surpassing the pre-recession peak set in November 2007, the Commerce Department estimated Monday. After-tax, inflation-adjusted incomes increased 0.2% in the month, with transfer payments such as unemployment benefits accounting for much of the gain. The tepid income gains should hamper the economic recovery, economists say. With spending growing much faster than incomes in March, the personal savings rate fell to 2.7%, the lowest since September 2008.

  • こちらには、個人所得を押し上げた要因が書かれている。
  • なんと失業保険(笑
  • 失業保険給付と、貯蓄の切り崩しで消費が上向いている、と。
  • 持続可能な構図ではないわな。
  • これで景気回復するのならみんな働くのやめて失業保険もらえばいいっての。